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Upload content to Instagram for your Computer.

For the longest time, if you wanted to post VIDEO to Instagram, you had to create that video then, download it to your phone, and then UPLOAD that to Instagram....but,.. I recently found out about this nifty plug in called INSSIST, and it emulates the Instagram window you are used to seeing on your Smartphone to help you upload your content DIRECTLY from your computer. In this short video I go over a few reasons why I like this new software plug-in, and some features I will be using in the future to help optimize my posting efforts.

You can see if these features will interest you and serve your needs. Please let me know what you think in the comments below... is it cool? useful? time saving? .....Please,. I INSISST :D And if you need help in creating that content for your social media presence, be sure to book a call with me or contact me directly.

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